Image: left to right Adam Starr (PO '18), Josephine Bump '76 Curatorial Intern, Dmaia Curry (PO '19), Janet Inskeep Benton '79 Art After Hours Intern, Crystal Orazu (PO '19), Janet Inskeep Benton '79 Art After Hours Intern, Daphnide McDermet (PO '20), Cion Education Outreach Intern, and Nina Mueller (PO '19), Josephine Bump '76 Collections Intern
Image: left to right Senior Curator Rebecca McGrew, Administrative Assistant Barbara Ditlinger, Museum interns - Adam Starr, Daphnide McDermet, Dmaia Curry, and Nina Mueller and Director Kathleen Howe, Associate Director/Registrar Steve Comba, and Museum Coordinator Justine Bae
Image: left to right President David Oxtoby, Director Kathleen Howe, Jorge Silvetti, and Trustee supporters Sam Glick, Janet Benton, Steve Loeb, Helen Pashgian